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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Integration Queue
FMIS Integration Queue, queues and validates all transactions before the Integration process. Refer to Figure 1.
Valid transactions will flow into Integration. Invalid transactions will remain on the screen for the users to verify and make corrections.
  1. Enable the access for "FMIS Integration Queue"  under Role Menu Access.
  2. Enable process "POS204 -FMIS Integration for POS transactions. This process creates FMIS entries for LINKSOFT transactions (Sales Order, Sales Order Payment, Debtor Adjustment, Cash Book Receipt, Shift Variance Journal, Inventory Adjustment Journal, Purchase Order Invoices)".
    1.  This process should execute in a timely manner.
    2. Process should be enabled in the database that has FMIS Integration.
  3. FMIS Integration Queue is a read only screen.


Plugin "POS004" - Point of Sale transaction type "cash sale" and "returns for cash sale" to be billed to POSCASH customer. This will be done for all sales orders sent to external systems in menu "Integration -> AR Sales Order"

Figure 1: FMIS Integration Queue